Jewellery by Jaymie

I decided I wanted to share with you a recent purchase that I have fallen completely in love with.
I discovered Jewellery by Jaymie through a stylist I met while assisting on a shoot for NOCTIS Magazine a few months ago (you can visit her blog here), instantly I thought the Chanel perfume bottle and purse necklaces she showed me were adorable and I told myself I would buy something from the site. Eventually I got round to it, but it was of course a hard choice!
Jewellery by Jaymie is the creation of the lovely Jaymie O'Callaghan and her love of illustrating and jewellery making. She is represented by CARROTTOP PR; a PR company we at NOCTIS love as they represent some incredible brands.
I fell in love with the ethos that every single piece of jewellery is hand-drawn and consequently hand-made, each piece perfectly unique every time; how cute is that? I knew from browsing the site that I HAD to make a purchase. It was a hard decision to make until I found the Kurt Cobain "icon" necklace. As a huge Nirvana fan, I had to have it. There was no question about it.
I eagerly anticipated it's arrival, and it finally arrived the other morning.
I opened the envelope expecting your standard bubble-wrapped packaging; but what I got was so much more. Not only did my necklace come wrapped in the cutest bag, but it was filled with dried scented flowers. Amazing. This was completely unexpected.
Now I know everyone will get this service, but it was a really special touch and it's these finer details that make the brand memorable. You can tell that thought has gone into the whole process, rather than just selling your creations and that's that. Time, effort and love is poured into Jewellery by Jaymie.
Her attention to detail is second to none, even her writing is beautiful! As I even received my own little message on the back of one of her lovely business cards.

I definitely love my Cobain necklace, and now have my sights set on the Blondie necklace...

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