The Indieannas

Buxton indie-guitar rock band, The Indieannas, are new on the scene and have since released "Moneyman" [video below], their first single and video, with exceptional praise. It is known than many an Indieanna piece is created with pure drive and determination, and no budget.
The indie revival seems in full swing at the moment, with the likes of Jake Bugg and Alt-J making a huge impact, we can only hope for the same with this enticing quartet...


Saturday 26th January at Black Hippo, Matlock
Friday 8th February at Level 2, Buxton Special Guests These Mortal Cities
Saturday 9th February at Rescue Rooms, SVR Club Night, Notts
Tuesday 12th February at The Vic, Derby
Thursday 21st February at DAda , Sheffield

"Every so often a band makes the breakthrough by virtue of sheer persistence and a feelgood buzz reverberating around each significant move they make. If there is one such collective out there at present it is the supremely accomplished four-piece The Indieannas".
Fusing indie, dance and rock, The Indieannas capture the attention and affection of those wherever they go. Gaining widespread acclaim within the scenes of Manchester, Sheffield and Liverpool, they have made appearances at the world famous "home of The Beatles", otherwise known as The Cavern Club, which led to an admirable stream of gigs at various venues across the country, including London's Soho.

After NOCTIS spoke to manager Paul White, bassist Mark Whibberley answered a few questions we had to find out a little bit more about The Indieannas. See what he had to say here,
When and how did The Indieannas come about?
We formed two years ago and were previously named "The Stand", but due to a band change and a label interest we changed our name to "The Indieannas" to make it easier to find us on Google
Where did The Indiennas play their first gig?
As The Indieannas, our first gig was at Manchester Academy in September 2012
Who do you look to for inspiration/influence?
To name a few, Noel Gallagher, Miles Kane, The Stones, Arctic Monkeys and Queens of the Stone Age
What do The Indieannas stand for?
Unadulterated indie rock and roll
Could you describe a typical band practice scenario for our readers?
An Indieannas band practice would typically involve lots of English tea, lots of noise and bouncing off of each others energy to create the perfect tunes and atmosphere. This all takes place in our studio we call "The Green Room"
Finally, what are your plans for 2013?
We hope 2013 is going to be our year; we have some great support via soundhub (an "indie"-pendant record label). We also hope our upcoming debut  EP "Flying High" which is released on February 11th with "Money Man" will get us noticed and hopefully with the support of people like yourself we can bag support slots with some great names. We just want people to hear us and listen to what we have to say through our music.


See this post on the NOCTIS blog here 

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