20-05-11: Primitai

The Westcoast Bar, Margate.
(joint review with Tim Rahman)

Primitai at The Westcoast Bar

With a sound reflective of Manowar and an image to match, there was a vast improvement on the previous band. Primitai, a five piece, took to the stage inspired by a charismatic front man reminiscent of Iced Earth’s Matt Barlow in his heyday. Working the crowd with all the charisma and stage presence of a seasoned pro, it was not long before he had us whipping out the air guitars and playing along mid song. Notably, in an instant of request, the crowd ventured closer to the stage, enjoying the unexpected switch in genre to straight up heavy metal. There is still an aspect of fun to Primitai, and while there is a present longing for thrash to return, they have an anthemic vibe which is compelling and clearly working in their favour. With testosterone blazing, Primitai have the potential to be right up there with the best.

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