5 minutes with Helen Kirkbright

Helen Kirkbright is a Fashion photographer based in London and Manchester. For issue VI ofNOCTIS Magazine she photographed the wonderfully cool Mary Benson collection [see photos] and collaborated with our beauty editor for the "Diamond in the Rough" beauty spread. Looking at the work of Ms Kirkbright, she appears adaptable, a chameleon if you will. She took the time to answer a few questions for us, read what she had to say here.  
You photographed for the Mary Benson interview, how was that? Are you a fan of her designs?
Yes I love her stuff. I am a total magpie and love anything shiny. I was already following Mary on Facebook before the shoot came up so when it did I jumped at the chance to shoot her collection!

How would you describe your work?
That is a hard question! I guess I like the images to look beautiful but the girls to look strong. I like photographing girls who have personality with maybe a bit of tomboyish edge. All that floaty girly stuff isn't really for me!
Are you currently working on anything exciting?
Well I am starting to do a lot more images for musicians and already have a few booked in which I am very excited about plus three fashion editorials to shoot by the middle of Feb... after being very lazy over Christmas 2013 has suddenly got very busy!

Does your fashion work influence your personal photography?
I would say more so the other way around. A lot of my personal work is point and shoot... after months of shooting planned and considered fashion stories it is really nice to just go somewhere new with a camera and photograph everyone and everything, its great to be able to treat your profession as a hobby again. When you photograph spontaneous moments there is a real atmosphere and storytelling within the images that I then take and try to apply within my fashion work.
What plans do you have for 2013?
Well in terms of work plans I would really like to try and make some videos this year. It is not an area I have worked in before but it has always interested me. I have been wanting to start a new personal project for a while now so maybe that is the medium for it! Other than that I just want to keep shooting!
I have a lot of new years resolutions too, I do them every year without fail! This year I am giving up chocolate until my birthday in June, It is going to be so tough.


See this post on the NOCTIS blog here 

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